Monday, March 28, 2011

YAY! March is almost over!

I wouldn't normally be so happy that time is flying by so fast, but I really need meat. I know this, because I have started dreaming about it. I dreamt I was eating a fatty (thick not actually fat) burger and it tasted sooooo good. Next month I'm going to DO something instead of NOT DOING something. I'm thinking about exercising 30, no 20 minutes each day. This way I don't have to give up anything besides maybe my muffin top. HA. Which by the way Oxford dictionary had added that term to their reference book along with LOL, BFF and OMG. Thank goodness. I'm sick of having to tell people what those mean. This blog has raised some questions among friends, and quite frankly is there a real reason behind anything we do besides go to work, poop and pay taxes? I'm doing this blog, and more importantly doing the whole 30 day thing to make 2011 memorable, and to accomplish things I probably would never try. And so far I have pretty much succeeded. Granted I only went 26 days without alcohol, and I did see some bacon bits in the pasta salad I ate last week, (but pretended they were artificial flavored bits) but overall I have surprised myself with going without the few things I really have regarded highly in life. I'm not quite sure when or if I will attempt to go without caffeine, but I still have 9 months to go to figure it all out. I'm always up for ideas if anyone has any. Maybe I should go 30 days without referencing poop in my blog.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Carnivores vs Herbivores

Its the morning of March 20th, and I'm still not eating meat. Proud? Surprised? Intrigued? I know I certainly am all of the above.

I've always taken the stand that God made the animals for us to eat, hunt, and enjoy as pets. I believe he also designed our bodies to be able to chew and digest meat. Herbivore dinosaurs had flat teeth designed to grind the plants. They also had cheeks that they could store food in for awhile because they had to be constantly eating to get enough calories. Man, can I relate to that. My source also said that some dinosaurs ate rocks to help grind up some of the fibers in their stomachs. I say my gardenburgers are the rocks of Mesozoic era.

My diet thus far has consisted of the same veggies I was eating before. Asparagus, Cucumbers, Spinach, Carrots, and Brussel sprouts (completely obsessed with, and have been for about 2 years now. Even made an attempt to grow my own last year!). But now instead of pairing that veggie with its main entry, its paired with, well, ranch dressing and cheese.

I recently had a run in with a few thousand maggots. No, I wasn't trying to add more protein in my diet, but now that I think about it, I probably could have topped some bruschetta with em. Anyways, after the maggot incident, I was eating my quinoa and noticed the similarity between the little grain and the little bugs. But I was starving. So what else is there but to use my Charlie Sheen inspired warlock mind tricks to overcome the feeling that I was eating maggots.

I'm for sure, for reals, a carnivore. Unlike February's no cable month (which is still going on) I will be adding red meat and chicken and fish and turkey and bacon and ham and cow BACK INTO MY BELLY come April 1st. We recently went to Grumpy's for dinner, and I'm not kidding, every single menu item contained meat. Except the dinner salad and french fries. So thats precisely what I ate. And I felt really bad about it afterwards. Not in my conscience, but my stomach didn't really appreciate all those fries.

I've been putting a lot of though into what the rest of 2011 has in store for me, because I do plan on continueing this quest of doing or not doing something for 30 days. I've brainstormed with a few people and my mom suggested going without gas for a month. This weekend alone I used a quarter tank. Would that even work? I like to ride my bike, but not to work. I have a look I have to maintain, and a sweaty pitted out dress is not what I have in mind. I've also given thought to no caffeine. As I typed that, I got a little scared. The big difference between the no beer month and no caffeine is that I don't drink two 20 oz cups of beer every single morning. I'm pretty sure that going without that will be my hardest month. So I'm still debating that one. I'm also thinking about wearing the same dress for 30 days. You won't know because I would be accessorizing and camoflauging the heck out of it, but it sounds kinda fun.

A few people have been asking if I gave up meat for Lent. Short answer, sure. Long answer, didn't even know it was that time of year. But giving something up for a whole month does give plenty of opportunities to really think about why I'm doing or not doing something. No alcohol made me realize that I'm not as dependent on it as I thought, but that I still really want it. No cable TV has taught me that I'm saving money and time, but that I still really want it. And not eating meat has made my poop float, and made me realize that I still really want it. Sorry Mom, had to put that in there just because you said not to :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March-No Meat

The No Meat March. I should start a parade in honor of this feat. Ok, so I'm only on day 1 of no meat, and does chicken broth really count? I mean, I did not have chew any meat, so have I already cheated myself? Lets pretend it was vegetable broth. Just like the times at my old work that we would serve that asswipe of a "vegetarian" soup that was made with chicken stock. LOL. I mean, he was wearing leather shoes, so I can tell you he wasn't hardcore.

A couple months ago when I decided to try going 30 days with or without something, I really wanted to go vegan. But absolutely everyone I talked to gave me a wide eyed loud and firm NO. Jeez, did they think I couldn't do it? Or were they actually looking out for my best interest? I mean, would I be able to actually survive 30 days without any animal bi-product? And by that I meant ingesting it, but I was quickly told that the vegan lifestyle is WAY more than going the "guinea pig" diet. I was informed my shampoo was most likely not vegan, (still not sure why) and that most of the everyday items I use were not. SOOOOO, that leads me to just cut out meat. I bought tofu yesterday. Not even remotely sure what/how I will incorporate it, but I thought I should probably "treat" myself to sumthin nice.

I eat a lot a lot of meat. I'm not scared so much that I won't be able to, but more that meat will sneak its way into my food and I will be oblivious and/or tricked into eating it. Wait. Does this mean no fish? I looked in my freezer and fridge yesterday and noticed quite a bit of meat. Deer steaks, cow meat, bag-o-meatballs, lunch meat, chicken breasts and not a whole lot of veggies. So I'm now stocked up for this week. Brussel sprouts, carrots, cucumbers, cheese, yogurt, I'm really hungry.

But at least I can chase the tofu with beer now!

February- NO CABLE TV

So I'm back on the sauce. Thank goodness, only because people were starting their own conspiracy theories as to why I wasn't drinking. Because it couldn't be as simple as I am choosing not to. It had to be because I was either secretly pregnant, or had hit rock bottom, and some terrible event had occurred, scaring me into sobriety. But I stuck to my plan, well for the most part. I made it 26 days, and that 26th day happened to be a Friday, a Friday that was meant to be shared with a cold beer immediately after work. I know, I'm sure I'm dissapointing all of my imaginary blog readers, but I was proud that I made it 26 days!

So onto February. I know, its March 1st, but February was a short month, and March snuck up on me. February was interesting as far as this experiment goes. We just so happened to cancel our cable on or around the last week of January, and I decided it would be an "easy" and simple idea. I say "easy" because if you know me, going without cable is defintely NOT easy. In fact, I would say I would rather go without beer than cable. When I was not drinking, I still could live vicariously thru the "Bad Girls Club" and Snooki. I didn't realize, or maybe I should say I wasn't aware of exactly HOW much TV I watch. Cable TV has been a very close friend to me, well, as long as I can remember. Summer breaks would consist of waking up at 8 and starting the "program". I had my entire day mapped out with tv shows. I remember The Brady Bunch re-runs on TBS were a vital part of the day, even though I knew I wasn't missing anything that hadn't actually happened since 1975, but I was sure there was going to be an episode I had not seen, and would never get the opportunity to see it again. I can still remember when that one Saved By The Bell episode came on that I had, for reals, never seen before. It was the gecko episode :)

We still don't have cable, and I'm not exactly sure when we'll get it back. And notice I didn't put if, because we WILL be getting some sort of cable back. I just couldn't justify $80/month anymore thru Direct(ly out of your wallet)TV. Oh, and if anyone is thinking their bill is getting too high, just call them, tell them you're done and wish to cancel. They want you BAD. They offered me 3 months free cable! So obviously I accepted their offer. That was back in November, and they totally thought I would forget after those 3 months. HA. I showed them. Well kinda. When I called them at the end of the 3 months, I had called 4 days too late, and they had already charged my debit card for the next month......lovely.

We've been watching A LOT of our DVD collection, and utilizing Redbox and Netflix. I think this has made the last month easier. Is that cheating? Or could I have been drinking O'Douls the whole month of January? I know for shiz, that if I had gone cold turkey from my TV set, I would have gone thru withdrawls and bouts of crying. Its just soo entertaining, and I really do actually feel the need to keep up with the kardashians, check in on those Teen Moms, and see what shenanigans Russell is up to on that island!!!