Not gonna lie. April’s been fun. The previous months have been sorta fun in their own unique way, only because I was testing myself to see if it was even possible. So far, so pretty good. We're already 4 months into 2011. Crazy! So are you on pins and needles as to what April took away from me? Well, I'm switchin it up this time. I'm not taking something out of my diet/lifestyle, but rather forcing myself to actually DO something. I think the last blog I mentioned running everyday, or getting at least 30 min exercise each day, but April 5th rolled around and I had done nothing close to either one. Actually, there was only one clear thing that I had already done everyday in April (besides eat,sleep,poop). So I would have been cheating had I actually chosen exercise or something else, right? With all that leadup, I had to chose to drink alcohol for 30 days. HA. It sounds so easy right? As if I’m giving myself a break, right? Nooooo. Its been pure torture! :) It all started as a funny comment I made to my brother who was in town visiting from Vegas........
I have been training for Bloomsday for the past couple months now, so I’ve been exercising a lot and drinking a ton of water, plus eating well. So it was harder than, lets say, had I chosen to do this in July. Summer and and ice cold beer just go together. But its totally Murphy's Law that January, when I couldn't drink, I was being offered drinks left and right, and this month I HAVE to drink everyday and I'm drinking alone just to complete the task at hand!
Around this time each month, I hit the proverbial wall. January I broke down and drank on the 28th (it was a Friday! And Hogans had Mac and Jacks, ok???), February I was over at my parents house soaking up every possible cable TV show I could, and around March 25th I was eating bacon bits. So yesterday the wall was that I could NOT bring myself to drink. It just did NOT sound good. So the only alcohol I had, I believe, was the drips of mouthwash that made their way down my throat by accident. Wait, did I even USE mouthwash yesterday? Yikes. That reminds me of the episode of Intervention where that mom was chugging mouthwash. Gross. I’m sure her breath was always nice though. Don’t worry gang, I climbed right back on the horse today.
About halfway thru this month, I came across a copycat. On there was an article about a guy that decided to go thru Lent (46 days) by drinking nothing but water and Illuminator Dopplebock, which is 6.7%. He drank 12 oz for breakfast, another at lunch, another at 3:15 for his snack, and then again at 7:15 for dinner. He even kept a keg at his office! Apparently the monks he was emulating would give up eating and drink the “liquid bread” to get them thru Lent. I’m preeeeeetty sure where I work would not be as accomodating.
The month is almost over, and I’m onto another 30 days. May is my b-day month, so I need to be very careful in choosing the challenge. But then again, my birthday is on the 28th so whatever I choose, I’ll just hit the wall on that day, and then continue on as if nothing ever happened. Wow I’m smart! I will have to admit that there were a few, ok two, days that I forgot and had to hastily find alcohol to drink. I remember one day after I came home from the gym I realized that I still needed to get my drink on, but there wasn’t any beer in the fridge. I was waay too lazy to put my shoes back on and drive to the store, so I mixed a drink with the bottle of Triple Sec I had leftover from New Years’. And again last week I found myself in the same predicament. Except this time the triple sec was gone. Weird. So I turned to the bottle of Peppermint Schnapps that was also a New Years leftover and mixed it with a cup of hot cocoa. I only ended up drinking about ½ because my sugar conscience got the best of me.
It will be nice to not have to keep somewhat track of those extra liquid calories/carbs. How annoying/unflattering is a beer belly on a girl!?! I feel like I'm back at WSU. :)
Big gulps, eh? Welp, see ya later!
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