I'm not sure what I was thinking the last week of April, but apparently I was feeling extremely optomistic because for the month of May I chose to spend no money. HA HA HA HA HA. This makes me laugh so hard now that its May 27th, because obviously that is/was completely and utterly rediculous. I mean, ok. I understood I would need gas and food, but my goal was to not spend any extra money that I have, meaning no espressos, no Redbox, no beer, no Taco Time, no new clothes...you get the idea. And thats all it was, an idea. Because I failed. Not THAT bad, but lets just say it didn't really work.
Money burns a crater in my pocket. It always has. When I was little, there was penny candy at Mr. K's and if I had 1 penny, I would go buy something from the bottom row there. As I got a little older, friends of mine had piggy banks, and they actually had silver coins in there! Mine had a few pennies if that. Some of theirs even had bills in there, for what reason?!?! There was no saving for me. I have had the mentality that I could die tomorrow, even at 10. So whats the purpose of saving? Well as I'm now learning as an adult, things come up. Cars break down, gas goes up, or there's a cute purse at Ross. Anything can happen, and now that I'm finally getting to be responsible with our money, I'm starting to save!
So I thought it would be relatively easy to not spend any money this month. I even thought of hiding my debit card, because thats the only money I have to spend. I don't ever carry cash, (because at the exact instance its going in my purse I see something that, wierd, is the same exact price as what I have in cash).
Well, I was doin good the first week of May. I had stocked up on groceries and gas. I found no reason to spend money. Until the next Monday came and I really wanted a soft pinto bean burrito and a chedder melt. And I also wanted my usual Monday 12 oz iced soy double french vanilla latte. WHAT? Its double punch day!
So I found a "way around things". Where I work, they give me a debit card that I can load money onto from these online games in which I am given tokens to play with. (Think online Chuckie Cheese games except instead of tickets, we get money) So lately, I'd been really lucky, (as it turns out even luckier last week) and I had loaded like 20 bucks on that card the other day. Sooooo I was able to get my Taco Time AND my latte without having to swipe my real debit card. WINNING.
Well, the crater was burning the side of my leg, and I just had to spend! I mean it was Mothers Day, and I know my mom is the type that still loves handmade items, so I most likely would have been ok with spending no money, but I really wanted to buy her a card, and that herb garden!!!
I’m not sure what it is about money, but it’s a necessary evil. I have lived with next to no money before, during college and I did what I had to. And that meant no Burger King Jr. Whoppers. Sad face. I remember scraping together change from the couches to go get one, and I paid with dimes and nickels. Happy face. There was nothing I could do except get a job, and that wasn’t going to happen because I was a full time student and didn’t have the time to get one. Yes I was spoiled in that aspect, but my parents only gave me enough money each month to pay my bills and a strict grocery allowance. Anything over that paid my cell phone bill. I was making hats back then too, and I do remember that was my other income.
Now that I do have extra money each month, it’s hard not to find the penny candies to buy with it, but I am more conscience about than ever before. With no credit cards, the money we make is the money we have to spend. Which is totally a good thing, because I think we all have this urge to buy a flat screen. Rodney and I have talked about "living off the land" and it would be pretty cool. Some log cabin in the Blues, with antlers, bear skins and a Topsy Turvy plant is what I picture. Hard work, but a cool thought. The only thing that comes to mind right now is the length my armpit hair would be.
Back to the lucky part of this month. I went to the casino with a group of girls from work to play BINGO last Thursday night, and yes I swiped my debit card to pay for the packet of games. :) BUT hear me out, turns out it was well worth it, because I got a BINGO and won $150! WOO HOO. See, spending money has rewarded me. So I think that made up for all the times I swiped that card this month when I probably should not have!!!!!
That reminds me of the time that I JUST HAD TO HAVE Fazzari’s pizza. As most of you know, your bill will be minimum 30 bucks whenever you go there. And I’m not sure we had $30 bucks to spare, in fact, I know we didn’t. But I ordered it anyway, and went up the street to pick it up (hey, at least I was saving the delivery charge) and wouldn’t ya know they burned my pizza and made me another one for FREE!!!! Its as if I have Life credit card with points that keep rewarding my spending.
My birthday is tomorrow, and I will be 29. Wow. Think of all the money I could have right now had I never spent any money on rediculous items like the SpongeBob SquarePants Snow Cone maker or those Moon Shoes.
Money burns a crater in my pocket. It always has. When I was little, there was penny candy at Mr. K's and if I had 1 penny, I would go buy something from the bottom row there. As I got a little older, friends of mine had piggy banks, and they actually had silver coins in there! Mine had a few pennies if that. Some of theirs even had bills in there, for what reason?!?! There was no saving for me. I have had the mentality that I could die tomorrow, even at 10. So whats the purpose of saving? Well as I'm now learning as an adult, things come up. Cars break down, gas goes up, or there's a cute purse at Ross. Anything can happen, and now that I'm finally getting to be responsible with our money, I'm starting to save!
So I thought it would be relatively easy to not spend any money this month. I even thought of hiding my debit card, because thats the only money I have to spend. I don't ever carry cash, (because at the exact instance its going in my purse I see something that, wierd, is the same exact price as what I have in cash).
Well, I was doin good the first week of May. I had stocked up on groceries and gas. I found no reason to spend money. Until the next Monday came and I really wanted a soft pinto bean burrito and a chedder melt. And I also wanted my usual Monday 12 oz iced soy double french vanilla latte. WHAT? Its double punch day!
So I found a "way around things". Where I work, they give me a debit card that I can load money onto from these online games in which I am given tokens to play with. (Think online Chuckie Cheese games except instead of tickets, we get money) So lately, I'd been really lucky, (as it turns out even luckier last week) and I had loaded like 20 bucks on that card the other day. Sooooo I was able to get my Taco Time AND my latte without having to swipe my real debit card. WINNING.
Well, the crater was burning the side of my leg, and I just had to spend! I mean it was Mothers Day, and I know my mom is the type that still loves handmade items, so I most likely would have been ok with spending no money, but I really wanted to buy her a card, and that herb garden!!!
I’m not sure what it is about money, but it’s a necessary evil. I have lived with next to no money before, during college and I did what I had to. And that meant no Burger King Jr. Whoppers. Sad face. I remember scraping together change from the couches to go get one, and I paid with dimes and nickels. Happy face. There was nothing I could do except get a job, and that wasn’t going to happen because I was a full time student and didn’t have the time to get one. Yes I was spoiled in that aspect, but my parents only gave me enough money each month to pay my bills and a strict grocery allowance. Anything over that paid my cell phone bill. I was making hats back then too, and I do remember that was my other income.
Now that I do have extra money each month, it’s hard not to find the penny candies to buy with it, but I am more conscience about than ever before. With no credit cards, the money we make is the money we have to spend. Which is totally a good thing, because I think we all have this urge to buy a flat screen. Rodney and I have talked about "living off the land" and it would be pretty cool. Some log cabin in the Blues, with antlers, bear skins and a Topsy Turvy plant is what I picture. Hard work, but a cool thought. The only thing that comes to mind right now is the length my armpit hair would be.
Back to the lucky part of this month. I went to the casino with a group of girls from work to play BINGO last Thursday night, and yes I swiped my debit card to pay for the packet of games. :) BUT hear me out, turns out it was well worth it, because I got a BINGO and won $150! WOO HOO. See, spending money has rewarded me. So I think that made up for all the times I swiped that card this month when I probably should not have!!!!!
That reminds me of the time that I JUST HAD TO HAVE Fazzari’s pizza. As most of you know, your bill will be minimum 30 bucks whenever you go there. And I’m not sure we had $30 bucks to spare, in fact, I know we didn’t. But I ordered it anyway, and went up the street to pick it up (hey, at least I was saving the delivery charge) and wouldn’t ya know they burned my pizza and made me another one for FREE!!!! Its as if I have Life credit card with points that keep rewarding my spending.
My birthday is tomorrow, and I will be 29. Wow. Think of all the money I could have right now had I never spent any money on rediculous items like the SpongeBob SquarePants Snow Cone maker or those Moon Shoes.

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