Monday, June 27, 2011

I'm cured of my addiction.....NOT

This probably has been the hardest, and would have even been harder had I actually 100% stuck to it.  I would say I gave it the ol’ college try. A for effort.  B-  for realz.  I have not looked at or 1 time this whole month.  Seriously, not lying.  BUT has been viewed a few (less than 5) times.  And the People magazines that have vacated my mailbox every Saturday have been skimmed.  I did pretty well the first couple weeks.  I can see something good coming from this month, because it was getting ridiculous.  I was constantly checking my TMZ app on my itouch, and I was on Mario Lavandaria’s website more than once a day.  That’s Perez Hilton’s real name, and I would guess a major nerd alert just went off in your head as you read that. 
As far as celebrity news is concerned right now, the only thing right now that I’m remotely interested in, is the Casey Anthony trial.  This girl is livin in a dream world if she thinks she can lie thru this one. I honestly wonder about her thought process during the time when her daughter was “missing”.  She must have felt ok about it, because she partied and got a tattoo that says Beautiful  Zanny the nanny?  Did she get that from an episode of Dora the Explorer? 
I’m sure I’ve missed pics of D-listers coming out of clubs looking rough, along with a couple wardrobe malfunctions.  But I didn’t miss out when Pink had her baby, cause Shelli texted me before I was even awake.  Somehow awaking to a text about celebrity gossip didn’t make me mad! LOL.  I did let Shelli know that this may be cheating.  At least I’m honest!
I probably will get the TMZ app back on my ipod.  Only because I actually LIKE to read that “garbage” and I actually like to fill my brain with useless crap.  And so do a few of my girlfriends.  Chrissy has been patiently waiting for me to get caught up so we can have our crazy conversations about people we don’t know as if we knew them very well.  That’s what a good friend is for,right?  Oh yeah, I just remembered skimming her US Weekly last week while she put her daughter to sleep.  So sue me.
This was good for me.  I know that I can still breathe without knowing if Britney has her real hair yet, or if Arnold has another love child out there.  I realized that a vast majority of the stuff I was wasting my time with is so irrelevant to my life, and that I need to make my life as exciting as a celebrity’s.  By the way, I used to wish I was famous, however, should probably thank my lucky stars that I’m not, just based on a few pictures that have surfaced of me.  And I’ve had my “barefoot in the gas station” moments so to speak, that do not need re-living or written about on the internet the second it happens.  I’m sure there are few celebs this month are happy there’s one less fan viewing their embarrassing photos. 
On to next month, which I’m thinking about doing something “green”.  Like recycling everything that can be recycled and not throwing it away in the trash can.   Possibly eating no processed foods or only raw?  Wow. That’d be hard.   I’m still not sure.  I have 3 days to decide.  Maybe, just maybe I’ll go without coffee/caffeine.  I should go a month without working.  Wonder if my job would be ok with that. I mean it is for a special project.  I bet they would.  I just wouldn’t have a job come Aug 1st. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ding Dang Brit Brit

I'm addicted to celebrity gossip.

There. I've said it. Does that officially mean that I have begun the steps to conquer it? Nope. Just means I'm going to give it up for June. To all those non believers:I can and I will.

Now I KNOW there has to be people out there worse than me. I mean celebrities do have stalkers, and people do subscribe to every "rag" out there. I think the day that I send in a pic of me making the heart sign with my two hands to will be the day I get help. Until then, we'll call it a hobby, a past time of mine, so to speak.

I do suscribe to People magazine, and it comes weekly. Usually about 1/2 of the stuff I've already known about from visiting 4ish times/day, just not the minor details. I also visit once a day and have the TMZ app (but HATE the TV show). Thats pretty much what I'll be giving up. I've already read the People that came on Saturday, so we're good for this week. And its a good thing, because Kim Kardashian got engaged, and thats just crazy!!!

I blame my mother. HA. just kidding. But kinda not. And Grandpa Mark. During my childhood, she subscribed to People and he bought The National Enquirer. Which I totally forgot about until just now as I am reflecting on the reason where this stupid "addiction" started. We would go visit him and he would give us STACKS of them to take home. My mom and I would read them cover to cover. I remember knowing back then that if it was in there, then it probably wasn't true, but the stories were so hilarious. Celebrity Cellulite. Who doesn't love that one?

So I've deleted the TMZ app, and have no idea if anything super juicy has happened, because I have not checked one website today. But I'm guessing not, most days I feel dumb for even checking it. Who cares about all that stuff? you say. Apparently I do. And so does my bestfriend and her husband who wouldn't fully admit it. cough scott cough

I'm not giving up facebook, because thats not celebrity gossip, just so ya know. So if anyone hears of anything super juicy this month, feel free to mention it in a post.thanks.