I'm in. I'm doing it. Blogging. That kind of sounds like my dinner didn't agree with me. Actually, quite the opposite. Dinner was fine. Water with dinner was even better. :) Which brings me to the whole point of this blog. I'm sure the title of this post surprised some, made others laugh, and made most think that I made some crazy new years resolution. This however, is not my resolution. Its more of a Morgan Spurlock inspired journey. I've decided to do 30 days (in some cases 31, and next month 28) of commitment towards enriching my life. So, starting last Monday, which was the 3rd, I stopped drinking alcohol. Honestly, I thought it would be hard, only because I'm a big fan of alcohol. I like beer, clam diggers, gin and tonics, margaritas, wine, well you get the point. I like to drink alcohol. I'm not a fan of hangovers, so I try my darndest not to drink too much, but we all know how hard that is when you're playing flip cups, Presidents, Kings, Partini, beer pong (which Rodney and I are usually undefeated, so I'm not actually having to drink that much) or watching the Seahawks play....wow. That list could go on and on.
Week 1 was easy. Then the weekend arrived, and speaking of the Seahawks, they played AND WON. *SEAHAWK KNUCKLES* We ended up having probably 15 people over to watch the game. Everyone brought beer. The sound of the can opening seemed to be a little louder as if trying to tempt me, so I filled a big beer mug with the best ice cold Clarkston well water, and I woke up Sunday feeling excellent!
I guess and hope the rest of the month is going to go pretty much the same. There will be situations where I'm offered a drink, or I'll need one. But if Mr. Spurlock can eat McDonalds for every meal for 30 days, which by the way will NOT be one of my 30 day ventures, then I can do this! Jeez, writing this makes me sound like I'm a little lush....but when there's always a reason for the season, its easy to find yourself drinking 3-4 out of the 7 days.
So. January is no alcohol. What about the next 11 months? Thats where I need ideas.
-Go Vegan
-Wearing the same outfit
-No celebrity gossip (ya right)
-No TV (sounds harder than no alcohol)
Just to name a few of my ideas. What would you like to see me do/not do for 30 days?